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Combs are an essential requirement of every household and are method. Other materials like polypropylene, cellulose acetate, butyrate, and high impact polystyrene are used for the manufacture of combs by injection moulding techniques. With better designs, the market for combs exists since everyone has to comb, be it men or women. The project cost is US $208,303 producing 1,000,000 units annually and giving estimated revenues amounting to US $300per year.

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This Business Ideais for manufacture and marketing of spectacle frames from plastic cellulose acetate sheets. They are mass consumption items and are used by those with eye sight problems and for protection from the sun. The project envisages producing 130 sets of spectacle frames per month on the basis of 8 hours per working day. This translates into 15,600 sets per annum. The revenue potential is estimated at US$500 per month translating into US$ 390,000 per year with a sales margin of 20% total investment requirement of US$ 270,578.

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This business idea is for the production and marketing of plastic bangles Women world over wear bangles for elegancy. Plastic bangles have a good market as they are available in different designs and colours for different occasions and seasons. Thus setting up a plant to make plastic bangles is a good business and is quite viable. The total revenue is estimated at US$ 200 per year while the production capacity is estimated at 1,000 bangles per day. The total investment is estimated at US$ 1,380,714 per year. Production process In manufacturing plastic bangles, acrylic pipes of different diamet